
Duke User Guide


Duke is a Personal Assistant Chatbot that helps you keep track of tasks and gives you reminders, optimised for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI).


1. Adding a todo: todo

Adds a todo to your list of tasks.

Format: todo <DESCRIPTION>

Example of usage:

todo return book

Expected outcome:

Added this task to your list:

[T][✘] return book

You now have 1 task(s) in the list.

2. Adding a deadline task: deadline

Adds a deadline to your list of tasks.

Format: deadline <DESCRIPTION> /by <YYYY-MM-DD>

Example of usage:

deadline finish assignment /by 2020-10-20

Expected outcome:

Added this task to your list:

[D][✘] finish assignment (by: Oct 20 2020)

You now have 1 task(s) in the list.

3. Adding an event task: event

Adds an event to your list of tasks.

Format: event <DESCRIPTION> /at <YYYY-MM-DD>

Example of usage:

event attend wedding /at 2020-10-19

Expected outcome:

Added this task to your list:

[E][✘] attend wedding (at: Oct 19 2020)

You now have 1 task(s) in the list.

4. Listing all tasks: list

Shows your list of tasks.

Format: list

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

1: [T][✘] return book

2. [D][✘] finish assignment (by: Oct 20 2020)

3. [E][✘] attend wedding (at: Oct 19 2020)

5. Marking a task as done: done

Marks a task as done.

Format: done <INDEX>

Example of usage:

done 2

Expected outcome:

Nice! I've marked this task as done

[D][✓] finish assignment (by: Oct 20 2020)

6. Finding tasks by keyword: find

Finds tasks whose description contain the keyword.

Format: find <KEYWORD>

Example of usage:

find book

Expected outcome:

Here are the matching tasks in your list:

1: [T][✘] return book

8. Deleting a task: delete

Deletes the specified task.

Format: delete <INDEX>

Example of usage:

delete 2

Expected outcome:

Noted. Removed task:

[D][✓] finish assignment (by: Oct 20 2020)

You now have 2 task(s) in the list.

9. Exiting the program: bye

Exits the program.

Format: bye

Command Summary

Command Format Examples
todo todo <DESCRIPTION> todo return book
deadline deadline <DESCRIPTION> /by <YYYY-MM-DD> deadline finish assignment /by 2020-10-20
event event <DESCRIPTION> /at <YYYY-MM-DD> event attend wedding /at 2020-10-19
list list  
done done <INDEX> done 2
find find <KEYWORD> find book
delete delete <INDEX> delete 2